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臓腑明堂图(Ancient Anatomical Knowledge)

Zang-fu is the genera! Term for the internal organs of the human body, and includes the six zang organs, the six fu organs and the extra fu organs. The heart, lung, spleen, liver, kidney and pericardium are known as the six zang organs. The gallbladder, stomatch, small intetine, large intetine, bladder and triple energizer are known as the six fu organs. The brain, marrow, bones, vessels, gallbladder and uterus are known as the extra fu organs. The main physiological functions of zang organs are manufacture and store essential substances, including vital essence, qi, blood, and body fluid. The main physiological functions of the fu organs are to receive and digest food, and transmit and excrete the wastes. the eleventh chapter of Plain Questions says: " The so-called five zang organs store pure essential qi without draining it off, and for this reason they can be filled up but cannot be over filled. The six fu organs transmit water and food without storing them, and for this reason they may be over supplied but cannot be filled up." 《素问 -五臓别论》说:“所谓五脏者,藏精气而不泻也,故满而不能实;六腑者,传化物而不藏,故实而不能满也”。

The oil painting was made by my wife who was political cartoonist of China Daily before my family came to USA.

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